Project OverviewThe client wanted to create a seamless application where students can publish ads to sell/buy their educactional books.
Real-World Problem
- Many students were unable to get the course book easily and have to pay a high charge for the book.
- It was hard for some students to find a specific program-related book anywhere in the city.
- Some students have books that they no longer needed and wanted to sell.
- We gave him a solution that helps students to find a new book, connect with interested students who need to buy a book from them,
- Students who want to sell a book, make a deal and get the book. This will create a community of students to buy/sell a book.
- Provide a classified application that helps the user to buy/sell the course books.
- Helped the client to create a student community that help each other to buy/sell a books
- Students can easily search and find the book which they want to buy.
- In a few step student can post an advertisement for the book which they want to buy/sell.
- The client has data of the books and students with their program and university

Project Features & FunctionalityFeatures that makes it original users feel wow!
The user has to fill up a registration form to register in this application. In the registration form, a user has to add data like Name, Email, Mobile Number, Profile image, University name, etc.
The user will have the ability to log in via the credentials created. The login will be the combination of the registered email ID & password.
Forgot Password
The user will have the ability to change the password if the user forgot the last password. The system allows users to send an email with a new dynamically generated password.
Post Classified
The application drive user to a click picture of the book. After that user have to add some information about the book like book name, stream, university name (optional), price, etc.
User ChatFunctionality
This will help students to communicate with each other to buy/sell the book. Also, they can decide the way to deliver the book.
The user can open the application to find books. Users can insert a book name to search for a specific book.
How we built this?Checkout what we have build for client step by step guide with actual screen designs.
After understanding the client’s requirements we provided him with a solution to develop a mobile application for Android and iOS platforms.
First we Designed Prototype, Document & Created the mobile ui mockups. In third round of the UI mockups we finalized the implementation plan.
Our team of mobile app developers have crafted this native mobile app for iOS and Android platform.
Now we have tested and asksed client to test the application to make sure everything as expected.
After we have completed proper testing and UAT and got all the required information from client about app and other marketing material etc. We submitted app on to public app store.
What we used to build this?Tools esurgent used to assemble TextBookMe Mobile App?
We used Pencil to draw wireframes of the project. And Sketch to creating wonderful UI to be used throughout the application.
To implement app in iOS platform we have used SWIFT programming language and for Android App we have used Cotlin.
Due to low budget of this project we have used Google Firebase which provide us BaaS ready to use for the mobile app front end and to store data securely.