Legacy Software Upgrade admin April 22, 2021

Legacy Software Update & MigrationEmpowering Legacy Systems with Cutting-Edge Solutions

Antiquated software or hardware that is still in use, is Legacy Software/ System.

Moreover, these systems are constructed with old technologies and have outrun their usage. While they are in use, the modernization of these systems is almost required. Our legacy software upgrade services make it easier to upscale Legacy software. In other words, legacy software can run and work as per the leading technological trends with our remodeling services.

Understanding Legacy Systems

A legacy system is a term that encompasses information management structures that have grown to become cumbersome and inefficient. Similarly, the inefficiency within such systems can be from redundancy, poor construction, lack of flexibility, and non-modular frame. Through proper analysis and assessment of existing legacy systems within your organization.

We Can Help You Improve Legacy Systems

  • User Interface and Design
  • Development Process
  • App Engine and Techniques
  • Platform Compatibility

How we work with the Legacy software upgrade


We help you develop processes and internal procedures. In order to help you redefine the app development cycle. Simultaneously expanding upon the limitations placed by legacy systems.


We help you make use of the latest technologies and app development platforms; in order to gain access to whole new ways of building, optimizing, and scaling apps.


We assess and analyze your existing legacy app systems, To offer you clear insights on how to expand functionalities, increase flexibility, and foster adaptability within your apps.


We help you combine the fundamental aspects of legacy systems with the changing market. So, the needs and demands consumer environment around your app are in the same vein.

Redefining Legacy Software

The legacy systems, especially those on mobile apps, need to be reformed. As a result of the ever-changing topography of app design and development. For instance, new technologies, new methodologies, and new needs fuel the transformation of mobile apps and platforms. Therefore, the changes are swift and constant.

We can assist you with

  • Developing custom apps for specific needs and customer bases
  • Aligning app design and function to organization-centric parameters
  • Integrating new technologies like AI, chatbots, and Augmented Reality with mobile apps
  • Transforming Native apps to Hybrid and Mobile Web apps

Re-platforming Legacy Systems

A powerful means to reform legacy systems involves nurturing the ability to use new techniques and new tools. And explore better features and robust functions for the apps. That is to say, adapting the trendy app development platforms can allow for smooth transitions from legacy limitations. Furthermore, we help educate businesses about the possibilities of using the latest app-building techniques that can help them to change in time. And incorporate more efficient and flexible legacy apps.

Our legacy software migrations services involve

  • Making use of new app engines and builders like Titanium Mobile
  • Exploring the use of cloud-based storage and development platforms like Ionic
  • Integrating app development platforms. In order to, offer in-built branding options
  • Utilizing customer engagement systems and platforms to improve upon user experience

Integrating Legacy Systems

Reforming legacy systems is a difficult task, owing to their inherent nature. In other words, they function independently without any external support and are native. Moreover, they reflect the platform and people around which they are built and are archaic/traditional. Therefore, resistant to change. To clarify, the reason behind their inherent rigidity is, that they form the fundamentals of function and structure in terms of the systems used today.

We at Esurgent can help you

  • Fostering openness to innovation through the emphasis on customization
  • Embedding usability, adaptability, and responsiveness into legacy functions
  • Beta testing and internal implementation
  • User training and acclimatization to new processes, methods, and tools

Why You Need Legacy Software Upgrade & Migration Services

Legacy software upgrade and migration services are crucial for modern businesses looking to stay competitive and efficient. These services unshackle applications from traditional systems of development, allowing them to leverage more advanced and flexible frameworks. By adopting better infrastructure and modern methods of app development, companies can significantly enhance their operational efficiency and agility. Upgrading legacy systems also leads to substantial cost reductions through the implementation of new, streamlined processes. Additionally, integrating powerful new platforms and engines for app development ensures that applications are not only robust and scalable but also capable of meeting the ever-evolving demands of today’s digital landscape.

  • Unshackle apps from traditional systems of development
  • Develop better infrastructure and methods of app development
  • Reduce costs through the implementation of new processes
  • Integrate new and powerful platforms/engines for app development

Steps Involved in Legacy Software Update

Expert Planning

This phase involves the identification of specific processes that need to be automated. And recognizing those that need to be changed, rectified, and refined.

Smooth Database Migration

This phase involves the study of infrastructure dependencies. In order to, develop smooth and efficient ways to migrate data and relationships onto more powerful platforms like Cloud-based systems.

Refine App Migration

This phase entails the movement of the application from the legacy environment to a new environment. Furthermore, it offers more flexibility, adaptability, and resilience.

Streamlined Testing

This phase involves the use of testing methods and environments. That can help in identifying errors in software. And consequently, achieve the enhancement of function quality and reduction of development time.

Wide Deployment

This phase involves the recognition of KPI metrics and deployment tracking. To help understand how our users accept the change. And to get a glimpse into the degree of evolution from legacy limitations.

Start projects?

Wanna see your imagination in to reality?
  • Comprehensive legacy system assessment
  • Application reengineering and refactoring
  • Database migration and optimization
  • Platform and infrastructure modernization
  • Cloud migration and integration
  • Implementation of new development methodologies
  • Performance tuning and scalability enhancement
  • Security updates and compliance alignment
  • User interface and experience redesign
  • Continuous monitoring and support services
Let's get in touch with us