Disaster Control SuiteUpgrade Legacy Software to the Latest Technology Stack with Angular and Java Sprint Boot

Industry:  Energy

Technology: Java Spring, Angular, SQL

Location: USA

Services: Web Based Legacy Software Development

Project OverviewThis project upgraded legacy software from 2001 for an energy company. The outdated control software was modernized, maintaining the existing workflow while updating the back-end and front-end to Java Spring and Angular. This improved usability, speed, and performance, and allowed the addition of new functionalities.

Application User InterfaceDashboard - Grid - Data Filters - Form - Calendar

Features & FunctionalityThese are key elements of the project development.

Spreadsheet like Grid View

Spreadsheet like Grid View allows for sorting, filtering, and customizing data columns, similar to Excel.

Intense Data Filters

Excel-like data filters provide robust data sorting and querying capabilities

Data in Calendar View

Events in software are displayed in a comprehensive calendar format for easy visualization

Customizable Forms

Tailored forms can be enabled or disabled based on user permissions for enhanced flexibility.

Configurable UI & Data Fields

Customize software fields and color schemes to suit specific organizational needs. nds.

Live Chat

We developed a bespoke live chat solution for real-time customer interaction.

Data Security

Deployed on cloud with robust firewall and data layer security measures for utmost protection.

White Lable Solution

Clients sold the software under a single-use license with their own branding.

Client's ChallengesWhy client need to upgrade this Legacy software?
Outdated Technology Stack

The existing technology was obsolete and facing imminent discontinuation.

Compatibility Issues

The user interface followed Web 1.0 standards, causing incompatibility with modern browsers and devices.

Performance Bottlenecks

Heavy application load times of 3-5 minutes due to Web 1.0 fundamentals.

High Customization Costs

Customizing the application was time-consuming and expensive.

Management Complexity

Multiple code repositories for each customer, leading to inefficiencies.

Obsolete Libraries

Deprecated programming libraries posed development challenges.

Complex Database Structure

Slow performance due to multiple databases within the old system.

Security Compliance

Unable to deploy the software over the internet due to security compliance, restricted to Intranet use only.

Customization Limitations

Inflexibility in launching the software as a standard product package without custom repository management.

Solution by EsurgentHow we have overcome clients challenges!

Security Measures: Implementation of API response encryption and robust logging for exception handling.

Additional Features: Added functionalities such as live chat, map view, and dynamic data tables with filters and pagination.

Technology Stack: Utilization of Java Spring for backend and Angular for frontend development.

Front-end Upgrade: Complete overhaul using Angular 5 with CSS (SASS/LESS) for enhanced user interface.

Back-end Enhancement: Migration to Java Spring 4.0 for improved functionality and scalability.

Database Optimization: Performance improvements and data security enhancements through encryption.

Project Execution ChallengesWhere we have to push ourselves!
Scope & Change Management

Managing a large enterprise solution with 30+ modules and 4 new modules, with anticipated change requests.

Agile Approach

Utilization of SCRUM methodology, Jira for task management, and regular meetings for status updates and change management.

Technology Transition

Upgrading front-end to Angular JS and later Angular 5, with backend enhancements to support modern APIs and web services.

Deployment and Testing

Overcoming challenges of accessing live environments for implementation and testing due to firewall restrictions.

Legacy Technology Adaptation

Overcoming learning curves and dependencies on deprecated SDKs and coding tools.

Third-Party Integration

Leveraging third-party scripts for functionalities like data tables to expedite development and customization.

Technology PreferenceOlivePortraits was built using Anguler and Laravel.

Front End

We have redesigned entire User Interface from scratch using Anguler Material framework, Where for grid we had used JQgrids.

Backend & API

We have to rebuilt the 70% of the backend using Java Spring Boot because this was legacy system where Core Java legacy version was used which was already deprecated.

Have a Legacy Software?We can upgrade it for you!

  • Update Java Application
  • Update Angular Application
  • Update Flash Application
  • Update Legacy Software
  • Update Web Application