Olive Portraits"Bespoke Ecommerce Portal Redevelopment"

Industry:  Photography

Technology: Laravel, Angular, MySQL

Location: UK

Services: Custom Web Application Development

URL: oliveportraits.co.uk

Project Overview

Customer Store FrontProofcards Access - Browse Product - Shopping Cart - Online Payment

Admin PanelDashboard - Commissions - Shoot Scheduling - New Photoshoot Booking - FTP Dropzone

Features & FunctionalityExpertly Crafted Automation Solutions for Optimal Efficiency

Access Proofcard

View and manage proof cards easily, allowing customers to see and select portrait images for ordering various printing products.

Browse Products

Navigate through a dynamic product catalog with detailed information, updated prices, and stock availability.

Shopping Cart

Add, edit, and review products before purchase, ensuring a smooth and organized shopping experience.

Online Payment

Secure and seamless payment process with integrated WorldPay and PayPal APIs, offering multiple payment options


Automated calculation of shipping costs and generation of shipping labels using Royal Mail API for efficient delivery.

Referral Commission

Track and manage referral commissions, rewarding users for bringing in new customers and increasing business growth.


Enhanced front-end and back-end security with session and authentication tokens, safeguarding user data from potential threats.

GDPR Policy

Ensure data privacy and compliance with GDPR regulations, giving users control over their personal information.

Bulk Photos Upload

Efficiently upload and process large volumes of images, significantly reducing manual effort and time.

Auto Scheduling

Automatically schedule photoshoots and related tasks, streamlining operations and improving workflow efficiency.

Auto Address Labels

Generate address labels automatically for orders, simplifying the shipping process and reducing errors.

Auto Notification

Send real-time notifications to customers and admins about order status, updates, and other important information.

Key FactorsWhy - What - How

Client’s Challenges:

  • Outdated technology causing delays and inefficiencies.
  • Non-responsive design and poor user experience.
  • Issues with order processing and customer portal functionality.

Client’s Business Goals:

  • Phase 1: Address bulk image upload, enhance security, upgrade payment gateways, and ensure cross-device compatibility.
  • Phase 2: Develop a new portal with refined workflow, dynamic data tables, integrated APIs for shipping and payments, and enhanced customer account management.


  • Enhanced data protection and privacy.
  • Improved security at both front-end and back-end.
  • Efficient image upload and management process.
  • Effective customer history tracking and self-service options.

Technology PreferenceOlivePortraits was built using Anguler and Laravel.

Front-End Programming

Client already had website layout graphics designed in Photoshop. Using the same graphics we had created entire Angular. Bootstrap based design. Since the UI include lots and lots of interactive component for customers and back-office staff too. And this whole portal contains lots of forms for CRUD operations so we have used Angular Dynmic Forms builder so this way application was 100% Dynamic.

Back-End Programming

MySQL and Laravel was used as Backend Technology with latest competible version.

Are you tired of putting lot of manual labour?You can ask us to Automate your business.

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