i of the ElephantBiologist Without Borders

Industry:   Non Profit Organization, Wildlife

Company Size: 50+ Volunteer

Location: Worldwide

Services: Branding, Mobile App Development, Backend Development

head of the elephant

Project OverviewBiologist Without Borders approached us with a crucial mission: combatting illegal ivory sales through technology. As a development partner, we aimed to empower users to report illicit activities and foster environmental responsibility.


We developed the "i of the Elephant" mobile app, enabling users worldwide to report ivory sales. Available on Android and iOS, it integrates Google Maps for precise location tagging, supports anonymous reporting, and encourages social sharing to amplify its impact.

Real-World Problem

Our client faced challenges in compiling data on ivory-selling stores and had limited resources as a non-profit. We addressed these hurdles by offering discounted services and ensuring user anonymity to encourage public participation.

Project FeaturesEmpowering global citizens to protect wildlife with every tap: Unite against ivory trade with our intuitive reporting app!

Reporting Tool

Users submit reports on ivory sales, including store details, images, and locations.

Google Maps

Displays reported stores globally, enhancing visibility and accountability.

Anonymous Reporting

Protects users' identities while encouraging widespread participation.

Social Sharing

Facilitates sharing among networks to broaden awareness and discourage illegal trade.


Offers a $2500 reward for actionable information leading to successful prosecutions.


Easily contribute to our mission to protect elephants by donating through our app.

How this app was created?Our development journey involved meticulous planning, agile development methodologies, rigorous testing, and seamless deployment. Continuous support ensures the app remains effective in combating illegal wildlife trade.

Initial Planning

Detailed requirements gathering and analysis to align with client objectives and user needs.


Creating prototypes to visualize the app's flow and functionality, ensuring alignment with client expectations.

Development Sprints

Breaking down tasks into manageable sprints for efficient coding, testing, and integration.

Quality Assurance

Rigorous testing at every stage to identify and resolve issues promptly, ensuring robust performance.


Smooth deployment of the app across Android and iOS platforms, ensuring compatibility and usability.

Post-launch Support

Continuous monitoring and support to address user feedback, maintain security, and optimize performance.

What we used to build this?Tools esurgent used to assemble TextBookMe Mobile App?

Backend System

Core PHP, MySQL Database

iPhone App

xCode IDE, Apple iOS SDK, UI Kit, Highcharts API, Google Analytics.

Android App

Android Studio IDE, Google Android SDK, Google Analytics

Need Mobile App Designer?Give us shout!

The "i of the Elephant" app has significantly increased reporting of illegal ivory sales, contributing to a reduction in global trade. Insights from our market analysis shed light on online ivory sales trends, aiding conservation efforts.The "i of the Elephant" project exemplifies our commitment to leveraging technology for conservation. We are proud to support Biologist Without Borders in their noble mission, demonstrating the power of innovation in protecting endangered species.