Best Web design Trends to follow in 2022! admin August 17, 2022

Best Web design Trends to follow in 2022!


What is the first thing we do when we hear about some brand or business? We Google it and review its website. And according to its first impression, it has on us we decide either to use its products/ services or not.
Simply, putting it forward Website design is more than your business’s online presence!

Within minutes it can become a guide for customers to why/how to use your services or can become the reason why the customer should choose to go with your competitor.
Your business services may be great but if your web design doesn’t suggest that then you need to rethink & revamp your website. As it can cease your business growth

Also, it’s important to choose a good web design that works for your Industry. And that converts visitors to customers.
Nevertheless, the web design trends keep changing, and new more vibrated, and engaging designs for the website are brought to light.

Let’s read about the trending web designing styles for 2022!

1. Minimalist: Less is more

Minimalism is a rising trend not only in Web design but in lifestyle as well, people are preferring to settle for only required necessities.

A website with an uncluttered, simple yet meaningful look with only the needed contents on-page gives a great impression. And shows a straightforward approach to the deliver the meaning behind your brand.

This also, makes the customer not want to skip any details as the site design suggested that all there is in view is highly filtered and measured before putting it out and holds a dedicated meaning.

Moreover, it supports faster loading time and is easy to visit through different screen sizes.
You may want to put more colors, and more animations, to give an artsy creative look but there is a high chance it can turn its chaos and overwhelm your visitors. And cause distraction from the actual information you want them to note.
Sometimes, less is more, and more is less when it comes to building a design solution for web

However, it’s best to stay with less and understand the value of white spaces.

2. Keep your Brand name well defined

Your Brand name is everything, the overall look and feel of your website must reflect your Brand image and its meaning.

Thus, it becomes very important to choose your site color, design, font style, and also the name of your brand that defines your brand identity.

And must be in a way that clicks with your audience establishes trust and promotes your services/products.

⇒ Use Typography & Hero Images to define your brand in a line and leave a great impression

Some brands make this happen by using the art of Typography and creating hero images as the landing page for their website.

These images have the Brand name defined with a catching line making a tagline or catchphrase that gets stuck on the reader’s mind.

⇒ Handwritten font style or graphics & illustrations

You can also make your own handwriting by turning them into the font style for the titles and tags on your web pages, Hand drawing fonts. And creating illustrations that depict your brand values.

⇒ Use Animation + Typography = Eye-catching auto readable contents

Typography is way more than some typed words or sentences.

Web designers are discovering new creative ways to make typography more and more interesting and engaging with the help of Animation.
You can witness some websites with moving sentences to give the reading impact just like the flash news lines under the News broadcasts. Making the visitor keen to read what has been written on that moving rows all thanks to the Animated Typography. Thus, delivers what you want to convey through your web pages.

3. Brutalism to get a raw and rugged look yet easy-going and creative web pages

Website designed using Brutalism style stands out because they make use of the primary set of colors, gradients, and shadows. And bring up the raw texture that indeed gives a sleek impact to the web page.

Brutalism comes from the architecture style post-mid-era of the 50s-70s and has gained quite a hype since its digitalization in 2014.
It is a still-developing style and has web pages designed with Neo- brutalism style which is rawness plus the minimalism restrained style of the quirky younger generation inclined toward more aesthetic design.

4. Don’t miss out of visibility of picture and colors you put on the website

The most engaging factors of any digital content are its visuals the colors used, the illustrations & graphics tone setting, brightness, etc. Play a central/ lead role to entrap the visitor’s attention.

It is very important to use the color theory right and multi-check to ensure the website loading time is fast and smooth.

And to make sure that the images/picture quality is as required and doesn’t get blurry or glitch when the website goes live.
In addition, the choice of images, graphics, animations, and colors are relevant to the overall theme and Brand Identity.

⇒ Memphis design – for the color rush!

The 90’s bright backgrounds and graphics old gaudy style that was way popular back then are being used again with various shapes colored brightly, that may or may not be moving in the backgrounds.

Memphis design makes the web pages a boost of colors, defining its personality that’s hard to forget.

⇒ Put it in the box-AKA add borders!

Web designers are using grids to define the page layouts, and separate one section from the other. This allows the web pages to look clean and have more readable content without getting crowded.

The visible borders bring back the retro design feels of the 90s-adjacent style.

5. Use Engaging Animation

Gone are the days of a boring static website that only had lots of information about the company and what they do. 

Today, most website uses some or other kind of animations (check out GSAP animation library) to grab the attention of the visitor and interactively market their brand. 

Animations increase the brand value if used effectively. 

⇒ Subtle Animations: which are barely noticeable but leave an impression

Use pictures that either scale up as you scroll down or are scaled down as your scroll.

They can also be dropped down as the website loads on the screen with some clipping done to the picture size and shape that navigates to the brand name.

Another great example of using super engaging animation to lead the visitor to the next pages of your website, but also gives an impressive experience while they scroll through the website. And have the design, animations, typography and use of connecting images tell the story of the brand.

⇒ Make scrolling creatively fun

The only thing the visitor is confirmed to do is scroll around the cursor, giving the design opportunity of adding creative animations. Making the Scrolling experience imaginatively fun with Custom scroll.

There are animated graphics on 2022s websites that come to action when they scrolled over also the cursor icon is something that resonates with the brand. Thus, customizing the cursor in Web Design.

By using Locomotive scroll, animating SVG, scaling up images, and also changing the mouse cursor “arrow” to a website-oriented graphic -Custom cursor.

All of this can add various interactive motions to your web pages and make the scrolling experience great. Also, it is strategically designed to guide the visitors to navigate easily through the website.

Moreover, this also adds lots of clicks on the web pages, as the cursor magically transforms into some amazing icon/graphic.

6. Content is the King!

What you write on site is how you define your brand in your own words.
So it is very important to have the best possible content strategy for your web presence after proper research of your industry.

And more or less should be goal-oriented, not very long –shorter and well-curated, easy to read & understand, engaging, appropriate and holistic.

Furthermore, it should answer all the questions that your audience may have when they decided to visit your website.
The content must follow the SEO trends.
Content writing in 2022, is more inclined toward a more personalized writing style.

Also, the website content gives a much better description of its niche with new information to share.

The well-articulated content has a story-like narration that keeps the reader entertained and hooked to learn more.
Make use of videos to narrate your brand story and what you can do for your audience.

⇒ Keywords are a must!

While writing the contents for your website, it is not only important what you want to say but also equally important how you say it. Your sentences must be understandable while reading but also have words or phrases that your customers would likely look for.

As these are the keywords that can help draw traffic to your web pages.

Thus, it is highly recommended to have a Keywords strategy prepared or as I like to call them “Buzzword” so they can keep the traffic on your Website buzzing.

Create a list of Buzzwords that resonate with your services/products and include them in your content.

Bonus Tip

#1 Do a Grandma Test

Just as it’s written, make your Grandma test your website and learn from her feedback.

If your Grandparents are not able to figure out what your website is meant for; there is a high chance most of the visitors can’t too. As well as even Google cannot.

Further, if you want to make you make your web design more user-friendly then, get it tested by a pre-schooler and a high schooler.

You will be amazed how small/ simple/ different aspects or things on your web page makes great sense to different age groups.

Ask your friend, relative, or neighbor to look at your website and make changes as per the feedback you think actually matters.

#2 Make sure to check Mobile Compatibility of your website!

More searches are made from a mobile in a day, meaning approximately 2/3rd of your visitors check out your website through a mobile screen.

Thus, making your website mobile-friendly boosts your website accessibility and may also improve the conversion rates. It also builds trust for your services, gaining the loyalty of your customers/clients.

Moreover, Google’s algorithm focuses on the mobile compatibility of the websites. In other words, the more accessible your site is using a mobile the higher is its SEO rank.

In short

The trends for Web design in 2022 promote websites with:

⦁ Minimalist design
⦁ Impressive use of Typography
⦁ Brutalism web designs to get aesthetic style
⦁ High-quality images and colors
⦁ Memphis design – using bright colored objects in the background
⦁ Subtle Creative animations –scaling images, illustrations, graphics, etc
⦁ Engaging scrolling experience – Customizing the Cursor
⦁ Simple, smart, and well-curated content writings
⦁ Mobile Accessibility

If you are looking for some help to get your website designed using the latest 2022 Web design trends and technology, feel free to drop a line at and get Web experts who can design & develop the websites for you.

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