Before going any further with the cycle of updates for the software, let us first dive into the meaning of Software update and Software upgrade and how they are different from each other.
Software update refers to altering the product for better performance on existing software programs, these are minor and frequent changes done by the developers. Similar to having your vehicles timely sent to service centers. That ends up with your bike or car running more smoothly.
While the software upgrade is altogether a new version of the software program completely with exciting new key features. This involves new purchases for the new programming systems.
The Software updates are compulsory and repetitive to keep the product running fine whereas, the Software upgrade is not necessary and is rarely required when a much bigger change is needed to be done.
Now, you may be wondering, when to have the software update or upgrade?
The software updates optimize the minor bugs, functionalities adjustments, or security risks. But if the requirement is to have the complete look of the software changed. And have an enhanced resultant with ‘n’ number of new features that runs smoothly on the trending hardware, then Up-gradation is a good choice.
“Something is just not meant to last forever.” Software is one of them.
Just like you no longer carry out the attires your parents flaunted so confidently in the late 70s, you definitely would not like to use the older versions of the software applications.
It does not concern the user’s experience or ease of use with faster loading time. But it is also prone to cause a security risk to your systems and businesses. Furthermore, outdated software has run out of cycles of updates and upgrades to keep it sustained. It has now turned into a security threat that may result in your system failure or hacking.
Thus, the continuous updating of the software is undeniable and mandatory.

Stages of Software Update
1. Define Upgrade Requirements
After the site review, list all the re-development needed for the customization and updating to the latest version. After that, list the technical requirement and needs for a new purchase.
2. Upgrade Plan
Specify all the resources needed and the target areas. Also, at this step, we put it all into a defined plan.
3. Roll-Out Plan
Sorting out the implementation of the upgrade plan with the time and resultant output.
4. Backup
Backup acts like an extra lifeline to the process and saves up the data during the updating process. This helps to cope with any issues that might resurface at the end of the update.
5. Put the Update version to the trails
We can bring out any glitch in the code or database with a trail-round. To work on again. Thus, a resolving or revision stage for the updated version of the software.
6. Live Site staging
After the trial, sorting of all the technical and other conflicts of the update. Then, it is time to put it live.
7. Configuration
The Administrators ensure the new features introduced are configured correctly to have the best User experience.
8. Documentation
Filling up all the details for the technical changes and the custom changes made to help save a record as well as make profound use of the same during the next update.
9. Training
Pieces of training must be rolled out to have the users learn the new features and the functionalities change of the update, so they can make well use of the new version.
10. Deployment
Release of the final updated version
11. Upgrade Review
Cast out the feedback from the end-users with the new update release and list out the areas where the next update can be done and what features needs to be boosted and also which functions in the update are gaining positive feedback.
Summing up
Summing up, the cycle for the update is never-ending and can progress with the next spectacular updated versions for the users to engage with the next and so on.
Also, there are customers that might just want to stick to the older version of the software for a long time, for instance; how many of your colleagues or friends make use of the latest version of Windows? Not many, right?
This brings out one more reason to the update the software so this set of the user can use the better version that does not drastically change the user manual for them.