When your business needs a custom software application? admin December 7, 2021

When your business needs a custom software application?


When you step into a business world, you discover the need for a range of software to keep things operating smoothly. And obviously, you have heard about the custom software application. But you might need a little push to get yourself one too. Moreover, you can get some software off-the-selves of a digital market that could match your needs flawlessly. And can buy them off-the-shelf of software markets
However, there will be a time when the software you purchase may not match your requirements. And can hinder rather than assist your growth. Hence, pushing you to get yourself to buy the updated version from the store again. Thus, a better option is to have a custom software solution.

How to choose between Buy VS built solution?

Using ready-made solutions available in the market, you may need to have multiple software to conduct one particular task of your operation. That might not be satisfactory. However, a custom build solution targets all the requirements. And processes efficiently, reducing the workload drastically.

What is custom made?

A custom product is made based on the requirements and has the specifications at the top during the development cycle. Moreover, the planning of the design revolves around the need. The product output fits perfectly with the expected solution and delivers maximum advantage and much more.

Custom, that unwritten law, By which the people keep even kings in awe

Charles Davenport

Thus, custom software development is the best possible solution for your business goals achievement. It is a perfect blend for your process requirements and productively works in favor of your timeline and long-term costs.

Reasons why you need custom software for your business

1. The software available doesn’t have out-of-the-box solutions to fit your needs

The technological advancements fuel the launch of new applications each day or updates to a better version. It is simple enough for you to grab one for your business need with a lesser investment of time and cost. But as you start to use them, you would discover the need to have not one or two but multiple such applications to complete your work tasks. Thus, add up to the budget gradually. Whereas, by combining diverse functionalities in a single software solution, Custom software makes the work duties nearly straightforward. Through specialized software tools, other connected software systems communicate internally. And complete all required actions in sync.

2. Your business has been overwhelming with manual processes and paperwork

Even though you have an automated tool at your disposal for completing most key tasks. Your employees may have to do workaround jobs manually, and they hate it. For instance, they would have to prepare spreadsheets, a guide to using the tools, etc. Thus, a simple task turns out to be a combination of many manual tasks. Custom software is an excellent tool to have automation at ease. And save time and efforts that lift the Business growth effectively.

3. It is hard to maintain the application

The required IT team may not be available in-house to support the software maintenance and update it as per the new tech. A product company has developed it for market sale altogether. Moreover, it may risk your business data and disrupt the workflow, adding to the maintenance cost. And you need to purchase the updated version from the market again. Meanwhile, your in-house/external team ( Esurgent) handles the maintenance of the custom software. And it comes with cost-saving and timely rescue without putting any risk of data loss or leak.

4. You don’t want to compromise efficiency, scalability, and security

Uncustomized applications lack most prime characters. For instance, they don’t have the required security, efficiency, and scalability. The custom-defined solutions not only provide you ease to scale applications with time. But also add up a layer for more secure and efficient working.

5. You still find yourself running out of your Budget with the current solution

Though the cost price of the application readily available in the market is lesser. However, you need to invest in the maintenance charges, the extra cost to use more features, and other license costs. Here, the custom solution may require a good investment at the development stage. But it saves your pocket from continuous payments to maintain or update.

6. Competitive advantage is still missing in your market

Your competitors may use the same application. Thus, it does not provide a unique edge to scale up your business in the market. To step up your game, you may want to consider custom software, and it may be the right choice. As they solve the need of your customer in a way that adds value to your business and makes you stand out from your competitors

Some benefits that you gain from switching to a Custom software solution

  • Fits your requirements perfectly
  • Enhance the security of your data
  • Improves efficiency
  • Cost-effective solution for the long run
  • Provides control over the automation
  • Support the growth of the business

In Short, custom software is your best choice

Not everything suits your need completely, and in today’s time, you do not have to keep adjusting and walking with the crowd. Well-tailored custom solutions can suit your need flawlessly and help you boost up to the top of your industry.

Custom software can be small or big as per the nature of your requirement. And will bring a healthy ROI of your investment made.

Esurgent has one of the core services for the Custom software solutions for business needs. You can check our case studies, where we provided the Clients a custom application that matches requirements flawlessly. That removed the Client dependency on a number of soft-wares to carry out business tasks. As the custom application has all the features to help him carry out all the needful tasks of his regular working day.