Mobile App Development Strategies admin March 31, 2022

Mobile App Development Strategies


Technology has far more places to go than it is right now! And a great example of the technology potential is right there in our own pockets – Mobile phones! With amazing features and apps to make our lives more digitally propelled than ever. It is almost true to say there exists an app for every requirement you may come across.

The enterprises have had their eyes set on this for a long now and we can witness more and more businesses launching their apps, to reach their customers better, manage their business needs, stay a step ahead of their competitors, and more.

More to our surprise, every day about 250 million apps are estimated to be downloaded by a recent report that covers stats for the year 2019-20. Furthermore, about 4000 new apps are released on the app store every day!

Why build a mobile app for your Business?

Arguably, these growing stats has brought many businesses to mobile app development. Today, more companies build an app for households, corporate, different communities, and individuals. From dynamic morning alarm apps to scheduling apps, fitness apps, food & entertainment apps, healthcare app, eCommerce app for almost everything and the list goes on.

Round the clock people are dependent on their mobile buzzing with apps to help them complete their routine and chores. Making a drastic lifestyle change to more efficient work done and faster execution rates for each task. Thus, Apps have become an integral part of our day-to-day life. And no businessman wants to lose a spot in the thriving mobile app market.

That comes to how to build an app for your business needs and develop an application that is required by your end-users. Not to forget, launching an app is a big step ahead which comes with a rigorous process of the app development cycle. And missing or taking any of the steps less importantly can bring you back to step 1 again in a flash.

In the mobile app development process, it is good to have your unique method to follow the steps of the development cycle. And scale your business goals and resources to start the process. For the start, you can rely upon the following strategies for your app development.

Mobile app development Strategies:

Building an app becomes less daunting when you divide the plan into smaller tasks.

  • Refine your app ideas and set app goals
  • Scale your budget blanket & define a timeline for the course of actions
  • Build up your app development team (Esurgent as your mobile app development team)
  • Set your App design
  • Underline or highlight the app’s key features
  • Run the app through tests and redo the parts needs fixing
  • Publish and market your app arrival

⇒ Refine your app ideas and set app goals

Everything starts from an idea that needs to be further cultivated to sharpen the vivid notion. This requires strong analytical skills to brainstorm, research the market, find your customer’s pain areas and bring a solution with your services.

Your app must answer these questions;

How it can solve the requirement of your end-users? And how can it help you expand your services?

You need to have a better understanding of your brand, its services, and its customers.

Once you see the points connecting, it will be easier to set goals and list the functionalities you want in your app.

⇒ Build up your app development team

Just like Captain America says Avengers Assemble!

You need to assemble experts and build up your own app development team. Most application-based businesses have their own internal IT teams. Before you get started to set up a team for yourself, consider

whether they can create the native app you need?

Do your resources include experts to execute the project? Would this impact their current job responsibilities?

However, you can decide and choose any of the below options:

⦁ Assemble In-house development team
Hire an app development company/ Dedicated App Developers
⦁ Get an App expert to manage your internal resources and overall project

I’ll further discuss these options in more detail to make it easy for you to make a decision.
A good in-depth data analysis of services background, your industry trend, and insights for the development requirement can help greatly. Further, check the possibilities and limitations of having an app for the business. Lastly, scale the time, resources and budget required.

1. In-house App development Team:

Less than 5% of the companies have their own App development team. And are well equipped to manage and run these resources. And there is a good reason for that, not all the qualified software engineers on the team have built hundreds of apps. Yes, they would have successfully deployed a couple or more apps but not dozens, hundreds, or thousands.

So, the question is would you put the responsibility of building your app on someone who has only worked on 1 or 2 app development projects which may not include all the function building that you need in your app.

Developing an app is a long and rigorous task and it requires experts with full-proof knowledge of front-end and back-end development technologies.

You can have an internal team carry out the maintenance of the app once your app is out with the Public and need regular updates & tweaks. Also, if your app is for the Workflow management of your services and staff you can make use of the in-house team to build the app.

But if the app is for the customers, which is undoubtedly going to grow in size with the coming age of your services then, an Outsourced resource is the best choice.

2. App Development Company/ Dedicated App developers:

IT companies are now well equipped with trending technology stacks and talents to handle any project of their expertise thrown their way. And they hold all the experts needed to complete the whole development process in one place.

Moreover, provides consultation and project management services with prompt updates of each project task accomplished. And seek the Client’s feedback at every stage to check the right stream of the development work.

You can hire a couple of developers for your project from them or let them handle the complete project for you.

Esurgent, as an App development has experts with plenty of experience working with Native & Hybrid App development projects for Clients from various industries (Healthcare, Education, Food, Fitness, Energy, eCommerce, etc)

3. Get an App expert:

If you want to take a third way out then find an expert who has dealt with similar projects and can take charge of your project at a senior rank. Developers with more than 8+ years of experience in App development are your best match.

And if he owns skills in project management then it’s a bonus. In other words, can lead the project through all the stages and handle resources as per the defined criteria.

⇒ Set your App design

A simple flow of this step is; Build a wireframe with the help of designers to get a prototype built with color schemes and brand contents. These will be different for Android and iOS platforms.

It is crucial that the complete team agrees with this design and has updated the prototype enough times to have all the functionalities of the app, well-architected in the app.

The Visual part of the front-end and the Back-end structure, API design, and tech stack are all taken care of.
Once the Wireframe is finalized, draw a Workflow and line down all the building blocks (task) to start the actual development of the app.

⇒ Underline or highlight the app’s key features

This step is where most companies lose sight of their original plan and get tempted to put everything out for their customer. It can be troublesome to have a lot of features at the first launch and also there is the time & cost barrier to climb too.

Thus, it is wise to stick with the actual vision and the functionality and have the new ideas of the features saved for the coming updates in the app lifecycle.

In short, stay & start with MVP (minimum viable product) and app with features that aligns with your current goals and better to have features for later.

⇒ Run the app through tests and redo the parts that need fixing

It is not new to know, that your software product must have undergone to testing process to smooth out all the issues with the code and fix any bugs.

So, it is ready to use by your customer with any downside of any glitch or function failure.

This doesn’t mean that your app needs to be perfect to be submitted to the App store. There is nothing like a perfect app.

Even Glorified apps like Instagram, Amazon, and WhatsApp have some bugs that get swept out with every update by the companies.
But what is important to have is a seamless User experience.

That makes the user like going through the app interesting and easy to take help of your offered services.

It is better to run the app through a different access device and have a green signal from the QA experts.

So, your app is well adapted to the operating system of Android/ iOS and works best with the latest version of the same.

An app development company runs all the needed tests and QA checks before tagging the app ready to launch. Another reason, why you should choose Esurgent as your app developer.

⇒ Publish and market your app arrival

It’s always good to build hype for your app’s arrival, even if the launch date is after a month or two. And let your customers know what you have in plan for them.

Moreover, you need to have your app prepared for publication in Apple and Google stores. Mind that, they both follow a different set of rules and guidelines for submission.

ASO—app store optimization is also to be taken care of, so the App is potentially highly discoverable when anyone searches the categories you apply to or the related term.

Warping up!

You need to build an app, the development cycle may remain the same, but the development flow is different for everyone. And leveraging these strategies you have defined a plan to have the project completed smoothly and with a good harvest.

Furthermore, it’s a considerably good choice to have an end-to-end development process handled by a team of experts. Today, more than 59% of businesses hire an outsourced resource because of its numerous advantages.

The Outsourcing companies take responsibility for each stage of the App development cycle and also provided post-launch services for maintaining ace and support.

Esurgent provides mobile app development services, you can reach us today for free a quote!