Best way to move your business Online? admin December 20, 2021

Best way to move your business Online?


There is no hidden secret if you are not looking for ways to jump from your city’s commercial street to your customers’ mobile screen. You are missing out on dramatic business growth. And losing out numerous advantages of Online business.

The online presence of your business can give you an edge that helps you reach your customer anywhere they are. With automated mappings in reasonable good investments. But with so many options to choose from, it can be confusing to identify the best choice. That resonates with your offline status. And keep building up with your online presence.

Although it doesn’t require any rocket science for online store migration. However, you may have witnessed many well-set Brick stores lose their reputation to grounds when they shift to web store.
This is only due to a significant lack of planning before they decide to explore the online market.

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail

Benjamin Franklin

How to start Online business migration?

It becomes a pretty simple process if the plan is well drawn out. And includes all the requirements for your brand face online. In addition, jotting down the expectations of your customers. With a feasible actual delivery of the products to your customer’s desired locations. And best payments gateways that suit to choices of your customer base.

Once the steps are brainstormed and you have a frame to work on.

You can start with the following steps

⇒ Get a Domain name

This must be the same as your business name. You can work with various domain buying platforms to get a perfect domain name. That fits with your brand name. Even if your exact business name is already taken, you can work around some short form to get a domain. And start with your online store design.

But remember hyphens or numbers must not make your domain name. Some well-known Platforms, provide you to choose from premium extensions for your domain. For instance, you can use ‘ .com’ ‘.net’ ‘.co’ or local business extensions like ‘.in’ ‘.uk’ as per your country.

⇒ Customize your Online business site design

The website platform provided you with different templates to match your business personality. You can choose one template and then work on it to customize the design as per your business model.

But keep the navigation easy and precise. Or build your own design from scratch without integrating the ready-to-use template. And have a custom website made the falls perfectly with your business.

⇒ Develop your Website

You can take any of the hosting sites and develop your content as per your business nature. There are various Platforms available to choose from but you need to consider the type of your business requirement to design the pages of your website as per that.

For instance, the online presence of a service provider would be more focused on the type of service provided and the number of clients served or projects completed, whereas a retail site would have many products displayed and options to buy them directly.

So accordingly, you can opt for an E-commerce hosting platform or other. Once decided you can register on the platform and start working on your site.

⇒ Work on your product display and description

The service based business needs to list the type of service that is mostly required by the clients at the Top and work the way down as per that. Also, a proper description of the type of services with the Case studies should be added to provide more ideas to Future clients to resemble their requirements. The site can have some Blogs describing various solutions to the general requirements of the Clients or more.
The E-commerce website may need to trim down the inventory to have most sale-making products displayed and well documented on their page. Also, there is a need to integrate well-working payment gateways to complete the purchases. With extra pages for each of the customer accounts like wishlist, cart, buy later product list, and more.

⇒ Add contents to your business site

The content is a vital tool for shaping your presence online as your customer would not be visiting your offline store and would not get impressed by the ambiance. But with proper content mentioned on the site, your customer can get a good impression of your business and how they can get benefited from the same.

While you have a huge canvas to fill up online with numerous contents, your prime focus must be on the Home page, as that is the first screen that pops up when anyone visits your site. Make sure the design and templates work better to create an engaging site for your visitors and make their visit longer.

The next page you should focus on is the About Us page, this is where your customers get to learn about you from you without any third reviews or news. Make sure to use this to your advantage and introduce your business with a storyline and the real team members behind the business. Other pages that need to focus on are the Contact Us, Returns/ Refunds page, and Testimony page.

⇒ Set up your payments methods

With everything intact without reliable payment methods to earn from your sales can be destructing. The digital payment methods must be researched in-depth and considering the popularity of one in your targeted area should be considered one of the options.

The Web portals, provide integration with multiple payment methods, owning to the increase of digital preference by the customer to make transfers of payments.

⇒ Announce your arrival Online

Once your online business is all ready to roll out and make an impact, the only thing remaining would be letting your audience know.

You can reach out to them via your already in place social media, your advertising on your brick store walls, or reaching directly to your customer on their devices via SMS and emails.

A most surreal connection can be brought into by working on SEO for your site. And see how the keyword works like a magic mantra to bring in the traffic to your site.


With the new normal due to the Covid Pandemic, some businesses entered the business world first by Online medium and gained well recognization and customer traffic, as more the world has seized to rely digitally upon.

The buyers have adjusted to shopping online from well-set Websites. And clients prefer to select the best services provider by researching a number of sites and the online presence of potential services firms.

It is not wrong to conclude by saying; Strategic planning and execution with well-researched options will bring the presence of your Online site that reflects your Brand image truly and put you on a path that scales up your business revenue.

Connect with our team at Esurgent to create an online presence and see a noticeable hike in business revenue