Prototype Development admin April 22, 2021

Prototype Development ServicesBringing Ideas to Life with Expert Prototype Development

We help you create an interactive prototype of your digital products. Esurgent uses a flexible IT prototype development approach to visualize advanced and fresh concepts for startups, micro-enterprises, and major corporations. Consequently, our quality product design services and dedication have helped us establish ourselves as a trustworthy prototype creation firm in the market.

As per the product features expectations, we build prototypes that display the same functions as the product under the development process. That enables us to understand the core requirements of the product at an early stage of development. Hence, the Prototyping Model we create based on feedback from the customer helps us get a better idea about on product’s expectations.

Why choose our Prototype Development ServicesAccelerate Innovation with Our Expert Prototype Development Solutions

Incremental Prototyping

We start our development process with external features and user interface into each prototype made. So, the prototype resembles the architectural design and requirements of the final product.

Extreme Prototyping

We use this type of prototype for web development projects. It has three phases, one preceding the next to reach the final model.

Throwaway/Rapid Prototyping

Using this, we create a prototype model that will get discarded. And a completely new model is made from the previous discarded model. The new model solves the previous model’s downfalls and does not become a part of the final product.

Evolutionary Prototyping

Our developers follow a cycle of updating the prototype model based on new feedback from the customer with every new update. This cycle continues till a prototype is satisfactory to the customer.

The step-wise approach adopted by our team to design a software prototype that meets the expected result

Expert Requirements Identification

We note the requirements of the product to define the expected product outcomes that represent your business goals. As a result, form one of the pillars to design the Prototype. And we measure the effects on the internal structure, performance, and security.

Smooth Initial Design

Firstly, we develop a preliminary design or a quick design. To provide the customer a brief understanding of the working, looks, and feels of the product.

Refine Prototype building

Based on the information collected from the quick design, we create an actual prototype. In other words, it is a small working model of the required product.

Streamlined Evaluation and feedback

When the customer initially evaluates the Prototype, we note the valuable comment and suggestions. After that, we analyze this valuable feedback and put them to use for further improvements in the product.

Greatly Enhance the Prototype

We begin with understanding several factors to incorporate the suggested changes. As a result, we implement and recreate a Prototype with improvised features to reach customer satisfaction.

Wide Implement Product and Maintain

Our efforts are based upon the final Prototype, in order to design the final product followed by a series of testing and deployment. After that, we provide routine maintenance to avoid any downfalls of the product.

Start projects?

Wanna see your imagination in to reality?
  • Conceptual Design and Visualization
  • Interactive Wireframing
  • High-Fidelity Mockups
  • User Experience (UX) Testing
  • Functional Prototyping
  • Usability Analysis and Feedback
  • Iterative Design Improvements
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility Testing
  • Interactive Demo Creation
  • Proof of Concept Development
Let's get in touch with us